"I Can't Sing!" The Concept of Teacher Confidence in Singing
and the Use within their Classroom
Lyndell Heyning
Southern Cross University, Australia
Citation: Heyning, L. (2011). "I can't sing!" The concept of teacher confidence in singing and the use within their classroom.
International Journal of Education & the Arts, 12(13). Retrieved [date] from
When teachers become more confident and competent in relation to singing, then
they are more likely to use singing and to use it successfully. Teachers are expected
to gain such skills in pre-service teacher education, to enhance their capability in
teaching music, so that singing can be utilised and supported in schools. Confidence
is definitely something that contributes to our performance in all aspects of our
life. However, when we are not confident in those skills, we do not perform as well
as we should, generally resulting in avoidance of that skill or activity.
When it became apparent, at the end of an Australian University Teacher Education
music education elective, that some primary teacher education students could not
hold a tune by themselves, or felt confident to sing on their own, a strategy was
developed to raise the solo singing standards and perception of confidence level of
the next cohort of students. This paper reports on a pilot program aimed at
improving the in-tune singing skills and confidence of a class of teacher education
students with the aim of increasing the likelihood they will later include singing in
their future music programs.
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