Improv and Ink:
Increasing Individual Writing Fluency with Collaborative Improv
Mary DeMichele
Lake Ozark, Missouri, USA
Citation: DeMichele, M. (2015). Improv and ink: Increasing individual writing fluency
with collaborative improv. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 16(Number 10). Retrieved [date] from
This article explores how short form/comedic improvisational theater impacts
the development of writing fluency. Students in all disciplines need to be
able to purposefully write, however by the time students reach high school many have
already given up trying to express even their own thoughts in free writing.
Two quasi-experimental action research studies in two school districts, one
urban and one suburban, were conducted to determine if the length of the
students writing would increase after exposure to a sequence of improv story-telling
and story-writing games. Data analysis revealed that both regular education and
special education populations showed increases in both their word and sentence
usage. The article examines how improvs collaborative nature supported by the
rule of Yes, and..., may addresses deficits in both social-emotional and literacy
skills that effect writing fluency.
Visual Abstract
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