Volume 16 Number 16 | October 12, 2015 |
Something Happens in Room 13: Bringing Truths into the World
Vicky Grube
Appalachian State University, USA
Citation: Grube, V. (2015). Something happens in Room 13: Bringing truths into the world. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 16(16). Retrieved from http://www.ijea.org/v16n16/.
This qualitative study looks at how an art studio run by children in crisis impacts what we can learn about art and relationships. Room 13, an art studio on school grounds managed by children ages 7-11 years old, began in Scotland in the 1980’s and is now worldwide. Room 13 young artists manage the studio, raise funds, and even hire an adult studio artist. In Room 13, the children’s art making is expected to be experimental and self driven. West Rise Junior School and Hareclive Primary School in England both each have a Room 13 as well as a large population of children at risk. This research study explores how art can serve such a population.
Visual Abstract