Volume 23 Number 15 | November 8, 2022 |
Gender-equal Options for Musical Becomings in the Future Music Classroom: A Pilot Study Exploring “Thinking Outside the Box”
Marie-Helene Zimmerman Nilsson
University West, Sweden
Carina Borgström Källén
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Cecilia Ferm Almqvist
Södertörn University, Sweden
Citation: Zimmerman Nilsson, M-H., Borgström Källén, C., & Ferm Almqvist, C. (2022). Gender-equal options for musical becomings in the future music classroom: A pilot study exploring “thinking outside the box.” International Journal of Education & the Arts, 23(15). Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea23n15
Gender inequality is a problem in western music education, but efforts to solve this problem in practice have thus far been insufficient. By adopting a post-human theoretical framework, this pilot study explores how music practitioners’ visions of a gender-equal classroom can be used to question, reverse, and reconstruct gendered traditions within music as an educational field. The aim is to increase knowledge about how gender-equal options for musical becomings could be realized in the future music classroom. As there is a lack of post-human studies in music education inspired by an explorative design, the current project offers a new methodological approach. The findings reveal entanglements of gender-equal identities through diverse socio-material and material representations. This gives recognition to the students in representing identity and gender, genre and style, enabling liquid self-images and identities to be shaped and re-shaped seamlessly.
Visual Abstract