Volume 23 Number 5 | May 4, 2022 |
Inception of Emergence
Saliha Bava
Mercy College, USA
Annina Engelbrecht
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Lynn Fels
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Daniella Gramani
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Marlies Grindlay
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Sharon Johnsey
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Ajay Kalra
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Ming-Yu Lin
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Maggie Milne Martens
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Amy Wiebe Lau
Simon Fraser University, Canada
Citation: Bava, S., Engelbrecht, A., Fels, L., Gramani, D., Grindlay, M., Johnsey, S., Kalra, A., Lin, M., Martens, M.M., & Lau, A.W. (2022). Inception of emergence. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 23(5). Retrieved from http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea23n5
How do we notice what is arriving? As authors, we collaboratively play with the continuation and momentum of emergence presented as a polyvocal text. As part of our research, we video-taped a collaborative mark-making activity led by two graduate students in a PhD cohort. What emerges from our interaction of situated dialogic inquiry is a heteroglossic performative text on emergence. The first 40 seconds of the video is woven into a paper that in itself becomes an ontological practice in emergence. The paper, in message and mode, delves into a series of moments and becomes a series of moments that ask the question: What is the play of interrelatedness in a collective inquiry of emergence?
Visual Abstract