Volume 24 Number 18 | October 12, 2023 |
Visual Plagiarism and a New Framework to Address Localised Opinions and Perceptions in Applied Arts Education
Lisa Winstanley
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Gray Hodgkinson
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Citation: Winstanley, L. & Hodgkinson, G. (2023). Visual plagiarism and a new framework to address localised opinions and perceptions in applied arts education. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 24(18). http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea24n18
While extensive research has been conducted on text-based plagiarism in tertiary education, with corresponding clearly defined rules for avoidance, far less scholarly material exists concerning perceptions of visual plagiarism. Accordingly, this study investigates ethical considerations specific to applied arts education via three information-gathering focus groups and a subsequent online survey. The resulting qualitative data was analysed using Grounded Theory Methods and revealed significant discrepancies in knowledge. From this analysis, four broad experiential themes were identified: Local, Definition, Honesty, and Education (LDHE). Based on these findings and the underpinning literature, this paper puts forward a conceptual framework for addressing visual plagiarism. The LDHE framework was developed in direct response to the identified experiential themes and their respective concerns, thus providing art and design faculty with a foundational tool to generate and critically analyse pedagogies for preventing visual plagiarism in the context of applied arts tertiary education.