Volume 25 Number 13 | July 31, 2024 |
Collaborative Aesthetic Experiences and Teacher Learners: Arts-Practice Research in a Teacher Education Classroom
Theresa Catalano
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Inoussa Malgoubri
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Jennifer Bockerman
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Hector Palala Martinez
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Mackayla Kelsey
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Leonardo Brandolini
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Ilia Shcherbakov
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Citation: Catalano, T., Malgoubri, I., Bockerman, J., Palala Martinez, H., Kelsey, M., Brandolini, L., Shcherbakov, I. (2024). Collaborative aesthetic experiences and teacher learners: Arts-practice research in a teacher education classroom. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 25(13). http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea25n13
This paper explores the experiences of six teacher learners and one teacher educator in a graduate course on aesthetic education at a Midwestern university in the U.S. Using collective autoethnography and arts-practice research, the researcher/participants examine how aesthetic experiences were activated in the learning environment and how this activation supported the development of transformational rethinking that led to the changing of formed habits of teaching. Findings reveal how aesthetic teacher education can be therapeutic, aid in building connections between the teacher and students (and among students), inspire wonder and discovery, facilitate the valuing and including of cultural and linguistic backgrounds of students, compel new perspectives, and promote attunement to process.