Volume 25 Number 21 | November 15, 2024 |
Supporting Key Competences in 6th Grade Art Classes Using an Empathy-Centred Approach
Helen Arov
Tallinn University, Estonia
Edna Vahter
Tallinn University, Estonia
Erika Löfström
University of Helsinki, Finland
Citation: Arov, H., Vahter, E., & Löfström, E. (2024). Supporting key competences in 6th grade art classes using an empathy-centred approach. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 25(21). http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea25n21
This study focuses on supporting the key competences of 6th graders using an empathy-centred approach in visual art classes. The research represents the third cycle of pedagogical action research conducted during a 35-academic-hour course with 70 middle school students aged 12–13 in an Estonian comprehensive school. The data were collected through a research journal, participant art journals, course feedback forms, and artworks analysed inductively. The findings indicate that the students recognised and acquired visual art strategies for expressing and dealing with different emotions. Some indications of helping behaviour were also detected. From the teacher-researcher point of view, the key competence framework encouraged the reimagining of the art learning process and helped to recognise and acknowledge students with different skill sets.