Volume 25 Number 27 | December 22, 2024 |
Expanding Children’s Conceptual Field Through Dance and Visual Arts
Nuša Jurjevič
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vesna Geršak
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Citation: Jurjevič, N., & Geršak V. (2024). Expanding children’s conceptual field through dance and visual arts. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 25(27). http://doi.org/10.26209/ijea25n27
The paper describes the results of research based on the integration of a model of teaching in and through the arts in primary school. The research was carried out as part of the project which used dance and visual arts to engage with the theme of the factory in a class of third graders. The methodological instrument of visual tests was used to assess the changes in the drawings of the participating students. While analysing the visual tests, feedback was obtained from each student within the framework of a semi-structured interview. It was found that the integration of art in the learning process elicited positive reactions from the students, who broadened their conceptual field and were keen to work in this way in the future. The results of the survey are a stimulus for projects aiming at a holistic integration of the arts in primary school.