230 pp.
$24.95 ISBN 0-8077-4578-2
Citation: Siegesmund, R. (2005, July 23). Generative tensions:
Arts-based thinking in education. Review of Davis, J. H. Framing
education as art: The octopus hasa good day.
International Journal of Education & the Arts, 6(Review 3). Retrieved
[date] from http://www.ijea.org/v6r3/.
Curriculum theory in arts education raises significant
questions regarding our expectations of excellence in general
education. Using an arts-based research methodology of portraiture,
Davis identifies four tensions within arts education that generate
new approaches to curricula.
The book advocates that children should have multiple
opportunities to experience varied arts learning approaches
both in and out of school. The curricular discussion also
provides a framework for the evaluation of arts programs.
The review author suggests that Davis's
multiple tensions can be subsumed as part of one
overarching tension between nonsymbolic
qualitative thinking (organizing relationships of
sensory qualities into coherent felt meaning) and symbolic
thinking (ordering visual, linguistic, and mathematical symbols
into reasoned expression), which together form
the basis for arts-based thinking. Two additional curricular tensions that
Davis mentions are also further explored. Davis's argument
reveals problems with contemporary standards-driven arts education.
The review author
suggests that this points to arts-based thinking as
an important aim for arts education.